To be considered as part of our team, please send a letter of interest, along with your name, email address, and telephone number to:  (Attn: N.E.P.R.I.S. Team)       

Below is an application if you would like to join fill out and email it to us at: 

Applying for NEPRIS Membership? Just copy/paste this information into a blank email and fill out the requested fields. 

Email to: 


First Name: 
Last Name: 
Current Address: 
City, State, ZIP Code: 
Date of birth:


Home Phone: 
Cell Phone: 
Other: (Please indicate by (*) how you would like to be contacted by NEPRIS)


Name of a emergency contact: 
City,State,ZIP Code: 


Equipment you intend to use for research: 

If you have any abilities or knowledge that you think might benefit the club please list them below: 

__________________Please initial here that the preceding information is correct to the best of my ability. 


What influenced you to become a ghost hunter and join Northeast Paranormal Research & Investigation Society? 

Is there a particular position within the group you are interested in? 

Are you willing to be actively involved with the group at least twice each month? 

Investigations/Meetings will be held at various locations, do you have your own transportation? 

If you have any health conditions NEPRIS should be aware of please list them below: 

Are you a member of any other paranormal groups or associations? 


__________________Please initial here that the preceding information is correct to the best of my ability. 

Membership Agreement 

I, _______________________ have requested to join NEPRIS Ghost Hunters. (herein after referred to as NEPRIS). I fully understand and accept all of the following terms and conditions of membership, and agree as follows: INDICATED BY (*) FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS.

1.) ___ RELEASE OF LIABILITY I will not hold NEPRIS or the NEPRIS members, guests, or private property owners liable for any physical or mental injury, or accident to myself while I am on or participating in any investigation, ghost hunt, meeting, or NEPRIS activity. 

2.) ___ My general health is good and I am not aware of any physical or mental impairment that would prevent my participation in NEPRIS activities. I assume full responsibility for my own welfare and safety while participating in same. 

3.)___ I agree to respect confidentiality relative to other NEPRIS members, private residences, property owners etc., of any locations visited or discussed by the NEPRIS and will not give out information, including locations or details of investigations to anyone outside of the NEPRIS without express permission of the NEPRIS. Lead Investigators and involved individuals. 

4.)___ I will show respect for any site visited during an investigation and understand that any destruction of property on a site in an act of vandalism will be grounds for loss of membership. 

5.)___ In the event that I conduct any investigations on my own, I agree to assume full responsibility for my actions and will not involve the NEPRIS in any manner. 

6.)___ I will not falsify ANY evidence (including photos, videos, information,etc.) of any investigation. 

7.)___ Any contact with any form of the media (interviews, providing information, pictures,etc.) is strictly prohibited unless permission is obtained from the NEPRIS Lead Investigators. 

8.)___ I accept that the Lead Investigator is to make all decisions concerning the investigation. Failure to follow such directions and NEPRIS policies will be grounds for termination of membership. 

9.)___ All investigations must be performed in a respectful and professional manner. 

10.)___ I agree to respect the dignity and rights of other NEPRIS members even if I am not in agreement with their ideas or opinions, and will conduct myself at all times in a mature and adult manner. There will be no toleration of obscene, foul, or abusive language in any NEPRIS activity. 

11.)___ I agree that there is to be no use of alcohol, drugs, or illegal substances on any investigation and that if I am taking any prescription medication I will make the Lead Investigator aware of this, if it could in any way impact my effectiveness on the investigation. 

12.)___ There will be absolutely no tolerance of any firearms or weapons of any kind on any investigation or ghost hunt. 

13.)___ I understand that any intellectual property (photos, recordings, etc.) I collect and submit for NEPRIS remains my property, with all rights attendant to my personal property (copyright). I also understand that by submitting this property to NEPRIS for the use of the organization, I give the NEPRIS the right to use them in any manner deemed necessary. Further, I understand that this property will not be used by NEPRIS for purposes of profit or in any manner damaging to me. NEPRIS will give me full credit for any property they use. 

I have fully read and understand all the above conditions of membership for NEPRIS and agree to abide by same. 

Signature (Applicant): _________________________ 


Once completed, email to Christopher Karper , Founder. Thanks for your interest!

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